Friday, January 22, 2010

Summer is on my mind...

I am not the most domesticated woman in the world but definitaly have become better over the past year or so.  I love raspberries (really any summer fruit).  One of the things I loved to do when I was younger in the middle of summer was go out to our garden or my grandparents garden and eat the raspberries right off the bush...I know horrible, you need to wash them off first!  I lived and plan on doing it again once I grow my own in my backyard :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday's Highlights

Its been a rough week so I find it appropriate to take a moment to enjoy the simple pleasures of my day today!

Highlight #1
Thanks to my wonderful computer savy husband my laptop is alive again!  Monday evening my computer froze and then never would re-boot.  After running a few tests on the computer results are in and the hard drive is bad...ahhh.  But we had a spare hard drive in our house maybe i shouldnt complain about all of the unnecessary "crap" in our house :) 

Highlight #2
I got Super Mario Bros for the Wii for Christmas and have been pretty much addicted to the game ever since then.  Today I beat world 4!  Yay!  Can't wait to spend some time this weekend to beat a few levels in World 5 :)

Highlight #3
After 3 "full days" at work, the kids are finally back in school and I was so happy to be back on my regular work schedule!  It was nice to work with my staff and have just my children at the site.  Unfortunatly tomorrow is looking like it is going to turn out to be yet another full day (snow day) as it is sleeting at the moment.  Here goes our fifth and final snow day...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Catching up on a Rainy Sunday

It has been a busy past couple weeks.  Kevin has started back to coaching Indoor Track which means he is getting home much later in the evenings and spending a better part of his Saturdays at track meets.  But Kevin has a passion to coach and is thoroughly enjoying the season as Kyle the youngest of his siblings is a senior and doing awesome this season.  ps he recently broke Kevin's PR mile :) 

We have taken advantage of our rainy sunday and done some cleaning out.  How could we possible need to clean out after only being married for 5 months?!  Well Kevin loves to save things...EVERYTHING!  Right before the wedding we didn't have time to sort through the last 26 years of Kevin's life so we just packed up boxes and moved them all into our basement where they have sat since the summer.  We quickly have realized how we continue to accumulate things to our house so we thought we should sort through those boxes and declutter what we no longer needed or wanted to save.  It has been quite the task but you wouldn't believe the things Kevin had not remembered he had...$200 Mall gift card, $20 & $30 resturant gift cards & a $25 american express gift card.  So I guess it was worth spending our Sunday decluttering :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING!

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends."

                This quote is exactly what I needed to read as I was sad to see a wonderful friend move to Hawaii.  I have always struggled with "goodbyes" and although I am older I still struggled today.  Its hard to believe that a year and a half ago Blonnie and I became roommates.  Little did we know that 228 would be the place that formed a friendship among 4 girls who love each other dearly.  Although its hard to adjust to all the changes in our lives within the past 6 months we are excited for the new life changes in each one of our lives!  Now it is B's time to shine as she takes on the challenge of army wife in Hawaii.  We look forward to our next visit together whether it be in Hawaii, Maryland or some other destination...   And thank goodness for skype :)