Tuesday, October 26, 2010

That's right...

Dylan is a big brother now!  We were excited to get the phone call yesterday night saying Kristy was in labor.  Off we went to go spend the night with Dylan.  When I got him up this morning I found him in these pajamas.  I had to take a picture because I was sure that it was unplanned.  After dropping Dylan off to daycare I was excited to hear that Kristy and Matt were up for a visitor.  Baby #2 was a BOY!  Parker was born on the perfect day...The Graves siblings along with Mom & Dad picked the date we thought the baby would be born along with gender.  And guess who picked today...Thats right...ME!  I did not pick the right gender but thats okay.  He is adorable and looks so much like Dylan did when he was born.  Can't wait to go visit again soon! 
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Visitors :)

As I was fixing dinner the other night for the 4 of us, I realized just how much I love having family/friends stop over for dinner.  Our brother Paul and his friend came over for dinner this past week.  It was nice to have company and catch up with each other.  Paul is such an awesome brother/friend.  He really would drop anything to help someone out.  I love that he makes the time and effort to see everyone even if it means he has to drive an hour to our house for dinner (i mean i make mexican food for him...of course its worth the drive :) ).

On a similar note we found out some exciting news this week... It is a strong possibility that we will have family moving close by this coming summer!  Kevin is super pumped and can't wait to have some Graves' live about ten minutes from us. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Girls Weekend

We decided it was the first annual girls weekend with many more to come!  It was quite a long flight considering the longest flight I had ever been on was 2 hours.  But I made it through.  On Thursday B and I got checked into the airport, found food and crashed.  It was a long day of traveling.  Meghan didn't get to the hotel till close to midnight.  We of course stayed up for an hour or two chatting.  Then Friday morning the adventure began!  We got our trolley tickets for the next 3 days and were so excited to get on these things to conquer the city. 

On more than one occasions we said we could right the hills of San Francisco on the trolleys all day long :) It doesn't take much to entertain us.  First stop was Fisherman's Wharf area.  Things we did & saw included... shopping, street vendors, Sea lions at Pier 39, sail boats, ferry ride around Alcatraz & under the Golden Gate bridge. 

On Saturday we tackled some BIG hills in search of the houses Mrs. Doubtfire and Full house were filmed.  Okay they weren't BIG hills, they were HUGE hills.  But we found both houses and then were smart and took a taxi cab back to where we could catch the trolley.