Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our precious little one!

Just about 20 weeks along and everything is looking wonderful!  Last week we had our anatomy ultrasound and it was music to my ears to hear that our little baby was perfect and healthy.  We did want to find out the gender but that was just the little cherry on top compared to seeing all of the little one's organs & body parts complete and functioning :)   We were completely surprised during the ultrasound to hear the gender.  It was neat because I actually said what it was before the sonographer was able to.  She built it all up by talking about everything we had seen so far during the scan of our baby and then she told us that she saw 3 lines which I knew is what they looked for to determine that it was a little GIRL.  It was a very sweet moment :) 
We can't wait to meet Gia at the end of November/early December !
She was quite stubborn throughout the entire scan causing it to take longer than normal but look what she showed us right at the end...
So may say she is saying "hi" but considering her parents we are going to say she was telling us to stop and that she had had enough of the picture taking ;)