Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back in the Saddle

Yes, we are back in the saddle of blogging and the infertility world!  Something I have never blogged about before but felt as though I should, considering I found comfort as I once scoured the blogging world to read stories as other couples struggled to achieve pregnancy while the rest of our "fertile myrtle friends" got pregnant & had their bundle of joys arrive and we were left still questioning and wondering if & when & how it would happen. 
Oh you know, Just hanging out in a tiny "waiting space" with a gown on ready for my Hysterosalpingogram
Of course we are in a different place this time around.  We already have a beautiful gift from God, our precious daughter Gia.  So where am I as a women living in the infertile world? 75% of the time I am in a good place and just greatful for my girl.  The other 25% of the time there are random times/thoughts/comments that make me wonder IF? WHEN? HOW? will it all happen (another baby that is). 
People are nosey and geniunely interested as to when a married coupld will start adding children to their family.  I am one of those people! BUT I also try to step lightly into those questions as I never want to make a woman feel the way others have made me feel.  Oh you know the comments...
"You know your peak fertility is 27, you better hurry up"
"Once you stop nursing you are the most fertile"
"Just get pregnant and then your other child will wean off breast feeding"
"Im sure you will be fine, just relax"
Those are just some of the comments that replay over & over from time to time in my head.  And yes these are comments that have been said by friends & family.  Well here's the fact friends... 
1.Peak fertility is the least of my concerns, instead my concern is making sure my thyroid levels are in check
2. You might have been most fertile when you stopped nursing but you were probably also pretty fertile right when you got pregnant...not the case for me!
3. As you know thats not something I can just make happen
4. of course just sit back and doing nothing will make you pregnant
Next time you have a friend or family member that you start asking about when they are going to grow their family - step lightly and in love!  When they saying we are trying.  Pray for them! And just listen because you might have no idea what its like to be a young woman desiring for a baby yet can't seem to achieve pregnancy on their own.  


  1. would love to email you (about smocked clothes and infertility!)
    Can you shoot me an email so I can respond? better than in a comment :)

  2. praying for you buddy!! love you and kev and gia very much! :)
